It may go without saying that you have to behave online the way you have to behave in person, but sometimes we see them differently and therefore behave differently. According to, social media allows people to exchange information, even comment and post.

Always Ask Permission

It’s inconsiderate if you don’t ask first, and people may disconnect and possibly unfriend you. Constantly ask before tagging a friend in photos from the celebration you went to on another night, as they may not want it shared within their deadline.

Manage the Content You Post


If you post comments and pictures carelessly, it can damage your reputation. When posting third party articles, always make sure you don’t replicate them on your page or website as your own, or you’ll end up with copyright infringement. You must always mention exactly what the tutorial is about and link back to the first source to be sure that the attribution belongs to the first author.

Always be aware of topics being discussed that could potentially be seen as negative or offensive. Focus on content that will entertain, educate, or help your audience in a way that will not harm your reputation. Remember that you are what you are talking about.

Keep in Touch With Your Connections

When you accept or receive new connection requests on social media, don’t necessarily assume that they would like to be added to a group, including your page, or buy your product or service. Even the smallest things, like giving them a “like” within their article or tapping into a similar interest you may have in common to start a brief dialogue, is one way to build your new connection. Anything is much better than nothing.